Name: Adapter Dongle Receiver Network-Card Wifi Antenna Laptop 5ghz Long-Range Wi-Fi PC USB
Rated 4.9/5
based on 98 Reviews
ShenZhen Orange Tec Co.,Ltd
Price :$4.76 In stock
Best Networking from ShenZhen Orange Tec Co.,Ltd for Adapter Dongle Receiver Network-Card Wifi Antenna Laptop 5ghz Long-Range Wi-Fi PC USB
Buying and selling Adapter Dongle Receiver Network-Card Wifi Antenna Laptop 5ghz Long-Range Wi-Fi PC USB online can be quite convenient and rewarding however, you always have to protect yourself. When a deal looks too good to be true, it usually is. If you don't feel hundred percent secure on a particular web page, leave it and find something else. As well, make sure that your computer is well protected before you begin any purchase that involves sensitive information. There are countless scams on the internet that will negatively affect your credit score and cost you money, so get proactive in your research to obtain the most out of shopping online....Read More
Customer reviews:
Date: 01 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Пришло где то за 3 недели, адаптер заработал в Windows 10 без установки драйверов с диска, по 5 ГГц к роутеру подключился, но скорость где то 380мбит у линка, преграда 2 не толстых стены, до роутера пинг 2-3 мс. Чипсет Realtek, есть светодиод активности. В целом такое и ожидал, т.к. антенна встроенная. Возможно ближе к роутеру будет выше скорость линка.
Date: 31 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
És necessari instal.lar els drivers primer. Windows no els té. A les instruccions ho diu ben clar. Després d'instal.lar es con.necta ràpidament al wifi. Des de Catalunya.
Date: 17 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
доехало быстро, чуть более 2 недель до Москвы. работает. размер как у маленькой флешки. скорость не замерял
Date: 02 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Пришло очень быстро, на неделю раньше рассчитанного времени. Подключил, сразу работает! Ничего дополнительного устанавливать не пришлось, операционная Win10. Скорость на 5 GHz выдаёт 260Mbps против штатного в ноутбуке на 2,4- 20-30 Mbps. Скорость провайдера 500. Можно смело брать, продавцу благодарность на оперативность!
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Works well, mucho better than my previous one. and work with normal and 5G
Date: 16 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Verkäufer ist sehr gut.Alles ist ok
Date: 22 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
super positive
Date: 14 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
َباقي تجربته
Date: 23 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Muy fácil de instalar, llego antes de lo programado, en menos de 5 minutos ya estaba trabajando con wifi
Date: 04 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Although I ordered a WiFi USB adapter, the seller shipped a very nice wireless keyboard/mouse set instead. I like it a lot, so I am OK with the switch. Many thanks!
Date: 25 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Работает, нареканий нет. Пришло очень быстро. Рекомендую
Date: 27 Feb 2021Logistics: China Post Registered Air Mail
Доставлено в Беларусь быстро, все внешне цело. На диске несколько файлов не читались. Драйвер адаптера установился сразу, а утилита установилась со 2 попытки. Утилита русская - хорошо. Инструкции на русском не нашел, пытаюсь одолеть присланную английскую.
Date: 01 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
I had AT&T Fiber optic 100 put in my home last week & did a speed-test after it was installed. I had a download speed of 41.86 Mbps and upload speed of 43.85 Mbps with my old D-Link N300 wireless Range booster USB adapter for my desktop computer. After in
Date: 01 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
I had an old laptop that wasn´t working on the 5 GHz band. I bought this to put it on my 5 GHz network. It worked like a champ. It was pretty much plug and play. Windows 10 immediately recognized it and all I had to do was select the network I wanted it t
Date: 18 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
el envío ha sido rápido, dos semanas. La velocidad de descarga ha sido unos 130Mb y la de subida unos 100 mb. conectado al router 5G. Tengo fibra a 600mb. Con cable he llegado a los 150mb. Dejo la foto con los resultados...
Date: 12 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Three weeks to Samara. Everything earned on Win10, but on 2G. After installing the driver, it worked for 5G. But I installed a newer driver and started problems: the network constantly rebooted. Somehow I rolled back to the previous driver and everything
Date: 01 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
What can I say, the above questions do not do the device justice. IT IS USB SIZED. Windows 10 recognized and installed a driver. The laptop, which only has a 2.4 GHz radio, connected to my home and work networks with no issue. I have to many USB dongles t
Date: 01 Feb 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
Great product, network speed Wi Fi the Greatly increased, 0 MB rose to 270 much better than the previous. Recommend excellent!!! Arrived in only 20 days here at home.
Date: 31 Jan 2021Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
This has really improved my WiFi speeds on a laptop that´s about 10 years old with USB 3.0 and it was easy to install as well as set up. The size of the dongle is attractive compared to other products that can be 2-3x longer, which makes it a little too easy to lean on and potentially break depending on where your USB ports are located. Highly recommended!
Date: 01 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Just got it along with another one (the longer antennas ones) and this one works as good and tested with the same speed and reception. If you need one that take less space or visibility I recommend